Today I had the privilege to speak to the MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) that meets at our church. Each year I challenge myself to put together a message based on the MOPS theme . This year's theme is: "Developing a Mothering Strategy is somewhat like playing a game ---and this year's theme is appropriately game related. Have fun being a mom! Playing games involves being bold and taking risks, loving those in the game with us and being sensible while figuring out what works and what doesn't." I must admit the description made me cringe. GAMES, I thought! Why games? Those who know me well, know I am not a big game player. But then I remembered the games I loved to play when I was a little girl. The game SORRY was my all time favorite! I think it had something to do with having permission to wipe someone off the game board, all the while yelling, ''SORRY!" (See my post...