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Showing posts from April, 2012


Taking Every Thought Captive I used to be a runner. Not a runner like my friend, Jennifer, who just completed her 5th Boston Marathon. No, I ran from situations that were difficult, unpleasant or painful. Or, at least, I imagined I could runaway from them. When I was a little girl, I pretended to runaway. My mom would put my lunch in a brown paper bag and away I would go for a daylong adventure. We lived in a small town, in a safe community and I was always home before dark. When I was a teenager, I kept a change of clothes in a small cream-colored suitcase just inside my closet door. If I was unhappy about the way things were going at home, my bag was packed and ready for my well-thought-out getaway. However, I never had the courage to actually make a run for it. Instead, I ran and hid in my small, walk-in closet. There, I sat on my overnight bag and cried until that day's storm passed. Then, I grew up, got married and became a mom. To my surprise, there were still times when I wa...