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Showing posts from January, 2013

Randomly Selected or Divinely Appointed

"A Blogging Conference Worth Every Penny: Want to Win A Free Pass? The words on my computer screen caught my attention. It was mid-November. And, just the day before I had prayed,  Lord,   should I be using social media and blogging   to do ministry? Could this be an answer to my prayer?  I wondered. I followed the link on  Judy Dunn's  Blog, entered the contest, and  committed the outcome   to the Lord. I received my answer a few days later.  I won!  I was one of two randomly selected (or, should I say, divinely appointed) winners to the  New Media Expo . I was so excited. I was going to start the new year in Vegas at a social media convention. However, when the time came to pack my suitcases,  I began to have doubts.  Why did I win? What am I doing going to this conference?  My blog is so small and my social media skills are so weak.... On and on, doubts and fears taunted me... I am sure there are others who would b...

A New View of Joy, Suffering and Hope (Part 5)

Born To Soar Welcome to week 5, the final installment, of my attempt to put into writing the material I recently taught at a women 's Bible study. I wish you could have been there, because there is no way to adequately cover in a blog post all of the Scripture studied, the stories told or the rich insights shared by the women who attended. That said, I pray you will be encouraged by the snippet of lessons taught through this series. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In my last four posts, I wrote about God 's desire for us to  renew our minds , thus transforming our lives so that we might experience all the freedom and fullness available to God 's children through His Son Jesus. Paul explained it so beautifully in Romans 12:2,  Don 't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but  let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God 's will for you, which is good and pleasing and pe...