Silencing The Voice of Failure I AM A FAILURE! The accusation rose up from my heart and weighed heavy on me. In just three short weeks, I had gone from feeling successful about the launch of my new website , with your kind comments and encouragement, to defeat. All because, I did not meet my own illusive goal to write one new post each week. The voice of failure is not an unfamiliar one. In the past, I have listened to it taunt me when I believed I had failed or fallen short in my attempts to be a godly wife, or mother, or friend, or Christian...the list could go on and on. Over time, I have learned, this sly and subtle enemy sneaks around and slithers in when I begin to measure my success based on what the world says I should do or be. It grows louder as I start to compare myself with the talents and success of others, instead of rejoicing in the person God made me to be . And, the voice nearly paralyzes me when I lose focus of ...