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Showing posts from August, 2015

Above All...

Let Your "Yes" Be Yes, and Your "No" No There are two times a year, I am faithful to post here. In January, to help kickstart the new year. Then again, towards the end of August, which is the anniversary of launching this blog on my 50th birthday, 7 years ago. (2016 has been a crazy year, so January was my last post. However, in the craziness that is my life, it has been my desire and goal to write my annual blog-anniversary/birthday post. So, here it is!)      I'm usually excited about the topics I share. However, when I prayed about what to write, God put on my heart to share a lesson He is teaching me now. In fact, if i'm honest with you (insert long sigh), it's a lesson the Lord has been working on in my life for over 35 years.     It all started in the wee hours of January 1,1980. I was 19, and had just attended a midnight, New Year's Eve church service, where I finally, totally, surrendered all of my messy, mixed-up life to Jesus!   That night,...

If A Hug Could Talk

What We Learn When We Really Listen " The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart ." Helen Keller       I hadn't heard it's cry in a long time.    Or perhaps, I had not really listened.    Either way, I heard it's message several times this week:      In a mother's ache for more time with her daughter.             In a father's joy to see his "little girl" again.                In a young lady's relief to find a kindred spirit.                       In a woman's delight with an overdo visit from a beloved friend.                           In a new friend's deep need for the Shepherd's touch.    The messenger's voice is almost imperceptible. It comes as you reach to give a ...

Stuff I Miss About the Olden Days - Soft Wrinkles, Crooked Smiles, and Airport Farewell's

Turning 56 Welcome to my frivolous, self-indulgent, but, hopefully, fun annual birthday post. This week I turn 56. Which, also, happens to be the anniversary week of this blog. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you here the past 6 years!    This is a strange year. It's as if some mysterious shift occurred, and I have passed from junior status to senior (and not just in the eyes of McDonald's or Denny's). I feel like I have moved from getting older to growing old. From being careful in sharing wisdom gained through years of experience to a new kind of desperation to pass that wisdom on to others, especially those on the precipice of failing or falling!    After 56 years, I feel I'm far enough along in life to share with you what I miss about the "olden days." Yet, before I do, be assured there is so much I love and appreciate about the days in which I now live. So, here goes:    One of the things I miss most from my childhood days is the ...

When Jesus Asks Us to Lay Down Our Lives

The Hardest Part About Being A Christian What is the hardest part about being a Christian? For me, it is the necessary daily dying. The putting to death of sin and self. A laying down of my life - my own plans, my own timeline, and, occasionally, even my own dreams.   At times, God’s call to lay down my life seems more severe than others. Presently, I find myself in one of those hard seasons. However, as I cry out to the Lord, He keeps reminding me that without death there is no resurrection. Without pruning there is no abundant harvest.   This particular call to lay down my life began while my husband and I eagerly awaited the arrival of our ninth grandchild. We LOVE being grandparents! So, we couldn't wait to welcome our newest granddaughter into our lives.   As we waited, a gentle whisper echoed in my heart.   Will you watch her?                                 “But Lord, what about my...