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Showing posts from July, 2017

21 Prayers For Our Teenagers and Prodigals

A Window Into A Mother's Heart "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day."  Abraham Lincoln   "The teen years may kill me! Please pray for my (children)." My heart skipped a beat as I read the message from a dear friend. Then, I prayed for her children, and for their stressed out mama, too. Because, I have learned,  when it comes to raising teenagers, prayer is the most powerful thing a mother can do! In fact, many times, it is the only thing we can do.   I experienced this firsthand, forty years ago, when I was the lost teenager, who became a prodigal daughter.   As I ran away from church and God, my mom's initial reaction was to preach and prod, but one day she stopped. And for the next two years, she (and her friends) contended for my soul in prayer, as well as showing me unconditional love and unshakable friendship.  ...

Keeping It Fresh

When Our Bible Reading Time Grows Stale Can I be honest with you? My daily Bible reading times have become stale. Not because God's Word has lost it's oomph! No, not at all! But, because I have lost mine!   Before I continue, let me add, I love God's Word! It is truly manna to my soul. My spiritual daily bread. The living and active Word Of God, able to penetrate my soul and spirit, joints and marrow, judging the thoughts and attitudes of my heart! (Shudder)!    However, after reading the Bible for nearly 40 years, reading through it, perhaps, a dozen times, studying it, teaching it, and memorizing large portions of it, recently, I have had a really hard time using my old, familiar methods to have a daily "quiet time!"    Let me be clear, there is probably not a day that goes by when I do not talk about, listen to, read, pray, meditate upon, and/or memorize truth, passages, and promises from the Bible. However, the daily practice of setting aside special time to...