Turning 58 What do you want for your birthday?” This is the question my dear husband has asked me all summer. The man already took me to Palm Springs for a long, weekend getaway. A true gift from my beloved who abhors the desert heat! What more could a girl ask for, right? Well, actually, I did plan to ask him for the newest, thinner, heart-rate-monitor Fitbit. But recently, my old one, which works perfectly fine, made my wrist have a weird tingling sensation. This freaked me out. So, I took it off, and decided to use the app on my phone instead. Still, each time he asked me, I told him, “I don’t want anything.” And, truly, I don’t need or want a thing. Yet, as I began to prayerfully consider what to write for my annual birthday/blog-iversary post, I decided there IS something I want! But, not from him. No, I want it from you. In fact, I am going to be so brazen as to ask you, dear friends, if you would please give me a present for my birthday this yea...