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Showing posts from August, 2017

My Birthday/Blog-iversary Wish

Turning 58 What do you want for your birthday?” This is the question my dear husband has asked me all summer.   The man already took me to Palm Springs for a long, weekend getaway. A true gift from my beloved who abhors the desert heat! What more could a girl ask for, right?   Well, actually, I did plan to ask him for the newest, thinner, heart-rate-monitor Fitbit. But recently, my old one, which works perfectly fine, made my wrist have a weird tingling sensation. This freaked me out. So, I took it off, and decided to use the app on my phone instead.   Still, each time he asked me, I told him, “I don’t want anything.” And, truly, I don’t need or want a thing.   Yet, as I began to prayerfully consider what to write for my annual birthday/blog-iversary post, I decided there IS something I want! But, not from him. No, I want it from you.   In fact, I am going to be so brazen as to ask you, dear friends, if you would please give me a present for my birthday this yea...