"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller
I hadn't heard it's cry in a long time.
Or perhaps, I had not really listened.
Either way, I heard it's message several times this week:
In a mother's ache for more time with her daughter.
In a father's joy to see his "little girl" again.
In a young lady's relief to find a kindred spirit.
In a woman's delight with an overdo visit from a beloved friend.
In a new friend's deep need for the Shepherd's touch.
The messenger's voice is almost imperceptible. It comes as you reach to give a common hug. But, if you really pay attention, you can perceive a gentle grasp that cries, "please don't let go yet!"
Then, it's a choice to respond, or not.
To answer the petition one must be willing to linger a little longer, embrace a little tighter, often to the point of awkward discomfort.
Sometimes, the hug you return says it all.
I love you! I will be back soon!
I am so happy to see you too!
You are not alone! I can walk beside you in this uncertain place.
I've missed you too! So very much. Too much time has passed.
Jesus, let her know how much you love her! Bless your dear child!
Other times, however, a hug begs further inquiry.
"Are you okay?"
"Is everything alright?"
Hugger, be warned. If you dare to ask the question, be ready to care about the answer:
"My sister is dying of cancer."
"My husband doesn't want to be married anymore."
"I found out today that I have breast cancer."
Or something like, "I am so lonely."
"I am so depressed...afraid...ashamed..."
The encounter is over in a moment. Albeit, a very long moment. But, then, you realize in some supernatural way, the Lord has just used you to comfort, to encourage, to celebrate, to grieve, to bless, to love!
This post has been on my heart for years. Then, I got busy. Then, I forgot. Until, this week. When, once again, I heard it's voice. The cry of a hug. The longing of a heart. And, in response, I beheld the glorious Savior's touch. The Creator who loves each and every one!