Lately, the cry of my heart has been, "Lord, how do I get from here to where I want to be?" Two years ago I took a step in that direction when I began this blog. In my first post I wrote, My prayer is that this blog will be a place of encouragement. A venue to support, equip and empower women to grow in their walk with the Lord and to become all that He desires them to be.

My vision for this blog has not changed, but my desire to reach more women with the precious, practical and powerful truths in God's word has grown. In my attempts to move forward in this calling, I have realized my inadequacies and sent up another plea to God, "Lord, I need help!" And help He has sent!

Before I ever whispered my prayers, God was answering. One answer began a year and a half ago on a flight home from Phoenix to San Diego. After listening to the routine airline spiel, I met the woman seated next to me. Jessica was returning home from a bloggers conference as well as her first time away from her husband and six children. For the next hour we talked about our families, our blogs, our faith and how to prioritize our lives in response to God's design. Time passed quickly, and suddenly we had landed and taxied to the gate. We gathered our belongings and exchanged contact information before going our separate ways.

Jessica and I have stayed in touch and recently we attended a bloggers conference together. At the end of the conference, Jessica sat down with me and drew out a plan detailing how I can get "from where I am to where I want to be." She gave me the names and numbers of people who can help me with that plan. And, Jessica spoke life to the dreams God has put into my heart. She is an answer to my prayers! (Read more about our "divine appointment" and follow Jessica at her blog God Makes the Best Seating Arrangements — Life As Mom)

Another answer to my prayers is Laurie Wallin. We've known each other for years, but reconnected last year when she invited me to speak for her MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. I have watched how Laurie and her husband have handled some difficult challenges the last few years with grace, strength and dignity. I admire the way she has stepped out to help others, drawing from the lessons she has learned in her own struggles. Laurie speaks and writes to encourage other women to live victoriously in the often mundane and sometimes exhausting, painful and difficult circumstances life can bring.

Laurie and I now meet regularly to encourage, support and pray for one another. She gives me ideas to move forward from where I am to where I want to be. She also models to me discipline, excellence and perseverance. And she challenges me to move forward to do what God has called me to do. Laurie is an answer to my prayers! (You can follow this courageous lady at Living Power Life Coaching)

God began to answer my prayers before they were even on my lips. He sent precious women in response to my plea for help and to give me direction in answer to my cry of how to get from where I am to where I want to be. I now have a lot of work to do, a plan to follow and friends to cheer me on as I pursue the call of God upon my life!

How about you? Can you think of a time God was orchestrating an answer to your prayer before you saw evidence of it? Or, perhaps you are waiting for an answer to a prayer? Even now, I can think of many more times when God's answered my prayers but I had to wait months and sometimes years to see the answers. I pray the Lord will strengthen and encourage you as you wait upon Him for the answers to your prayers!