This week I celebrated my 50th birthday. As I reflect upon my first half a century, I realize I am at peace in this place. Growing up all I ever wanted to be was a mommy. And here, at age 50, I thank God for the privilege and joy of raising four amazing children.

As a young mom, I was surprised to discover a new dream brewing. It was an intense longing to teach women about the Lord, about His Word and about His ways. I wanted to see women come into the fullness of all God has for them. Over the years this desire has grown, finding it's fulfillment in various roles and responsibilities in women's ministry.

Now here I am at fifty. My first twenty five years, I was growing up. The next twenty five years, my children were growing up. Now they are grown and gone, and I find myself asking "how will I spend the next twenty five years?" It occured to me that I want to spend them helping God's women to grow up in their faith!

This blog is a step in that direction. My prayer is that this blog will be a place of encouragement. A venue to support, equip and empower women to grow in their walk with the Lord and to become all that He desires them to be.

Looking forward to growing with you, Cathy