I haven't been here for a while. Not because I don't have anything to say. Believe me, I do. 


I know this may sound strange, but I haven't felt like I had "permission" to write.  


You see, for the last few months, I have been a bit lost. It's as if my life were on hold. Waiting. Watching. Listening. Wondering what the Lord would have me to do. 


The best way I can describe this season is to tell you, the Lord is revamping me. I feel like He threw all the pieces of my life up in the air, and now I am watching them settle back into place. And, not necessarily in the places they were before. 


During this upheaval, I have sensed three main messages from the Lord. 


1) God is Up to Something New


For me, it all began last summer when back pain knocked me off my feet for several weeks. Since then, God has shaken up, challenged, and is transforming deep rooted routines and habits, attitudes and priorities, as well as how I view my significance.  


2) Don't Look to the Past 


This last winter and spring, I experienced one of the most fruitful seasons of my life. I had amazing ministry opportunities, more wonderful than I'd ever dreamed of. It felt good, and I have yearned for them to continue. Yet, God's word in my heart, and the voice of others, tell me to stop looking back. The days ahead are not necessarily going to look the same as they have in the past.   


3) Go Deeper 


I have often prayed, for myself and others, to have an insatiable appetite for the Lord, for His Word, and for His kingdom and His righteousness. The irony is that as my life seemed to unravel under physical pain and frustrating limitations, and while alarming turmoil and unimaginable suffering escalated around the world, my own hunger and longing to know God more intimately, to spend time in His Word, and to see His kingdom come and His will be done have intensified dramatically. 


So, I have waited. Watched. Listened. And while I wait, I keep 'running into' people who are going through the same type of experience as me. As we share our journeys with each other, we are encouraged to learn that others too sense the Lord is up to something new. To not look back. To go deeper. And, we are relieved to know we are not alone. 


I confess, I have been hesitant even to write this post. But finally, after weeks of revamping, as the 'dust settles' in my life, I feel the freedom to share. And I wonder about you. What is the Lord up to in and through your life? I would love to hear from you. 


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.The wild animals honor me...because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise." Isaiah 43:18-21